How to Boost Fertility

How to Boost Fertility: Vitamins and Food to Increase Fertility

For many couples, discovering that their diet and lifestyle has contributed to their difficulties in achieving a natural conception is an unwelcome reality. However, by adjusting diet and lifestyle, fertility can be successfully increased.

What to Cut out to Improve Fertility

What to Cut out to Improve Fertility

The first thing to do is to stop any habits that can cause the problems of infertility. Smoking, consuming alcohol, and caffeine are the three worst offenders. Both nicotine and alcohol have a negative influence on fertility levels by reducing the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.

Caffeine is equally as damaging to chances of a natural conception. Zita West, in her book Fertility and Conception: The Complete Guide to Getting Pregnant,argues that caffeine can potentially delay chances of conceiving by up to 50%, and can also increase the chances of premature birth. Caffeine is not just found in coffee and tea (although tea contains less than coffee), but also in many soft drinks such as Coke.

Vital Vitamins to Boost Fertility

Vital Vitamins to Boost Fertility

There are a number of key vitamins that can help boost fertility and improve chances of a natural conception, the majority of which can be found in foods that are readily available, visit here. Introducing and increasing the consumption of certain foods is equally essential for both partners.

Vitamin A boosts sex hormones in both men and women and can be found in eggs, vegetables, and oily fish. Vitamins B6 and B12 are also equally important for both partners. For women, vitamin B6 encourages progesterone production, whilst B12 is a part of every cell in the body. Foods high in vitamin B6 are nuts, fish, oranges, and salmon, whereas vitamin B12 is found in animal foods, especially salmon and lamb.

Vitamin C and vitamin E are antioxidants and therefore are important for general health and wellbeing. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C and eggs, vegetables, and nuts are high in vitamin E. Other vitamins needed for both men and women include zinc, folic acid, magnesium and selenium. All these vital vitamins play differing but equally important roles and are mainly found in meats, fish, vegetables, and bran.

Boost the Chances of Natural Conception

By cutting out the products that can negatively effect fertility in both partners and by introducing foods and vitamins that are crucial to producing healthy eggs and sperm production the chances of a natural conception may increase. A healthy lifestyle that consists of a good well balanced diet, with drinking plenty of water and exercise the general health of both couples will also improve. However, if a couple is struggling to conceive naturally, there may be more serious underlying health issues that are causing problems. Therefore Zita West in her Guide to Fertility and Assisted Conception recommends both partners are tested for any health factors that could play a significant impact on their chances of a natural conception.