These days, smartwatches are tremendously popular because it is a great device to represent the style or class The Smartwatch looks cool on the wrist or you will be able to enjoy numerous handy features. The feature of GPS, phone calling you, internet or many more are available. All these features make the Smartwatch special rather than use the normal watches. This Smartwatch could be a better option or it is a great return on investment.
Do you want to get a notification in Smartwatch when you get a message on your phone screen? First of all, you need to allow the feature in the phone settings. Make sure the phone for Smartwatch is connecting on the same network. If both of the devices are connected on the same network then you will be notified. In smartwatches, the BT notifier feature is automatically enabled that you can use when you pair the Smartwatch with a smartphone.
Be Sure The Phone Is Not On An Airplane

First of all, you need to check the phone is not on the airplane mode if you want to get the notification. Every time you will be notified when you have WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook message on your phone screen. Not only you can check the notification but you can reply from the Smartwatch. The Smartwatch allows picking up the phone calls easily if your phone is on charging.
Check The Phone Settings
There is a need to check the phone settings to enable the BT notifier. There are numerous other features available in the smartwatch that you can use. All these features can make the experience of using the smartphone ultimate. Rather than watch the time you would love to track the fitness goals, monitor the heart rate would get many more features.
Keep The Watch Charged
You have to keep the watch charged at least 70%. Be sure that the watch is properly in charge or if it turns off then you will never be notified. That’s why you have to charge the Smartwatch or if the battery is low then 20% then you have to charge it instantly.
Download The Official App To Get Notifications
Preparing the budget of the best quality Smartwatch with features? Make sure the BT notifier is available in the Smartwatch that is an ultimate feature. This is a great feature for all the Businessmen or athletes. They never miss their important updates on WhatsApp, Instagram or other messages on different Apps when they and enable the BT notifier.
Due to all these features, everyone would love to invest in Smartwatch. Smartwatch is a great device can be used to track fitness measurements or available with various features.
Notify Every Time When Getting Pop-Up On The Phone

It should be noted to purchase the best quality in Smartwatch after watching the reviews. These days, numerous brands of smartwatches are available in the industry. You could pick the best one when verifying the features, battery backup, screen quality for many more things. All these facts could have to purchase the best quality Smartwatch or every time you will be notified when enabling the function.