How to Reduce Snoring During Pregnancy

How to Reduce Snoring During Pregnancy

One of the most misunderstood health problems today is snoring and all over the world millions of people suffer from a snoring problem. In common with people who have allergies snoring occurs when the airway is blocked. Snoring is a primary reason for a lot of sleep-related disorders, it can cause sleep deprivation, and also it will lead to many health problems. When snoring and then stop breathing for a short period is Sleep Apnea and it can be a very serious condition. It is common in men to snore than women, because men’s throats are narrower than a woman’s. It can cause so many different issues and affect our well being. During pregnancy women also tend to snore.

Snoring during pregnancy:

Snoring during pregnancy is more common than most people think. Recent studies found that pregnant women, especially when they are in their third trimester have the highest amount of chronic snoring than in any other trimester. Approximately 4 percentage of women snore before becoming pregnant and once pregnant, the percentage of women snoring by the third trimester can be as high as 30 percent. There are many different reasons that women develop habitual snoring. One of the most common reasons is weight gain. Doctors recommend an average of about 25 pounds as healthy weight gain during pregnancy, most of which is usually gained in the third trimester. Any extra weight a woman might be carrying before she becomes pregnant will directly affect her chances of snoring during her pregnancy. Another common reason that contributes to snoring is swollen nasal passages. This can be caused by imbalanced hormones. Higher levels of estrogens may cause the mucous membrane in the nose to swell and produce more mucous. An increase in blood volume or possibly having a cold can also cause this to happen. Researchers have also started to link snoring to a more serious condition called preeclampsia. This is a condition that usually develops later in the pregnancy. After 20 weeks and can affect up to 7percent of pregnant women. The side effects of preeclampsia are an increase in blood pressure, swelling, and protein in the urine. While sleeping, one can avoid sleeping on their back. They can try to sleep on the side with their head slightly elevated.

To avoid snoring:

To avoid snoring

One can also use a humidifier to keep the air in the bedroom moist. One should avoid smoking, using alcohol or sleeping pills. Although this is something to be avoided during pregnancy, when someone snores, it is best to avoid them because they can cause the airways to narrow. There are many anti-snore types of equipment available. One of the best equipment is the anti-snore bracelets. This electronic component passes electrical signals which will not disturb the sleep during night. The electrical signals are not too strong or too weak. The signal strength can be individually adjusted and this anti-snoring bracelet only causes a change of sleeping position without disturbing sleep. For more information refer