Energy Efficiency Consultants

Energy Efficiency Consultants

Do you actually need all the energy that you spend every day in your home or office to run the electrical appliances? Sometimes, you may not realize that you are actually overusing the electricity and you could save some of your electricity bills if you could somehow manage to to make the appliances work with less electricity. So how it is is possible to have your electrical appliances work in a way where their performance will not be compromised but their consumed electrical power will be lesser? To do this you will need to know about energy efficiency. There are many energy efficient products that you could use, see details. How the energy efficient products can help you to use less electricity? Say for example your 60W table lamp consumes 9 unites of electricity per hour – with an energy efficient lamp, you could make it 5 to 7 unites of electricity per hour.

Trying to decide on the most energy-efficient way to outfit your home can be a daunting task for someone with no experience in the energy efficiency arena. Reading about energy efficiency is helpful and can provide many places to begin your quest towards an energy efficient building, but don’t stop there. When getting down to the nuts and bolts of decisions specific to your home or business, it could be in your best interest to hire an energy efficiency consultant to aide you.

Tips Specific to Your Home

Tips Specific to Your Home

Whether you are building a home from the ground up or you’re trying to upgrade an existing home, an energy efficiency consultant can examine your home or business and the surrounding area to give you specific suggestions. The consultant can assess the air-tightness of your home or business and the efficiency of all your major appliances. A consultant can also give you an idea how best to alter or replace heating and cooling systems to gain the most energy efficiency.

Where to Find Energy Efficiency Consultants

Where to Find Energy Efficiency Consultants

An energy efficiency consultant can perform an on site inspection. This inspection may include an air leakage test, a savings estimate and a home energy rating. Contact your local utility company or your state energy office for a list of companies that employ energy efficiency consultants.

Ask for references from the consultants and recommendations from their previous customers. Be sure to get bids from more than one contractor. Even if you think the first one you talk to might be the best for you, it’s always best to know how the competition operates and how much they charge.