If you are a pet lover, it becomes your moral responsibility to take care of them and provide them with their basic needs. Their basic needs include a home to stay in, a cot to sleep in, good quality food to stay healthy, a regular bath to stay hygienic and look for medications to stay disease-free.
Most people are fond of dogs as pets. Dogs are the most dutiful and trustworthy animals one can depend on as their pet. The way they stay loyal to their masters, in the same way, it is the duty of the masters to fulfil their abovementioned needs.
How Do You Build a Dog House?
Have you thought of a place for your dog to sleep and take rest while you are busy at work? Not yet? It is time then, to think of your dog’s lovely home. A dog house becomes very important when it comes to dogs to stay in, especially during extremes of weather conditions. When it comes to extremes of conditions, just as humans need a comfortable and secure home that can tolerate extremes of weather conditions, a dog’s home should not be an exception to it.
This leads us to the question of what is the best material for a dog house. The most common material chosen for a dog house today is either wood or plastic. A wood house is found generally in most of the pet lover’s homes. This is because wood serves as an inexpensive and readily available medium to work upon. They are easier to cut, chisel and carve out the shape of a beautiful dog house, read more here.

It is important to stay as careful during a building project and take precautions as while building a dog house. Let us take a look at the necessary precautions one can take for himself as well as the dog.
- The height of the dog house should not be as low as its head must touch. The height of the entrance should be as much higher as the dog can comfortably get in and out. In a nutshell, he should not feel any pain.
- The builder needs to protect one’s body while building the dog house. It becomes a mandate to wear strong gloves for hands and safety goggles for the protection of one’s eyes, as the process might need dealing with equipment such as welding that can cause harm to your eyes.
- If your dog bites, you need to ensure that the material of the dog house can withstand your canine’s bites. It should be durable enough to tolerate such undesirable pet conditions also.
- If lumber is your material, it becomes your responsibility to ensure that it is not treated with chemicals, because dogs love to chew and lick. If treated with chemicals, the toxins in it might get inside your pet causing it a lot of harm, if ingested.
- The paint for the doghouse should be done only when you are aware of the fact that your dog will not chew the wood. In such a case you can choose a light-coloured paint that will reflect the sun in a warm climate. However, any dark colour would do in a cold climate. In case, your dog loves to lick and chew, you should be treating the doghouse with linseed oil instead of paint. The oil will not cause any harm when ingested.
- When you get on the verge of completion of your doghouse, ensure that you have fitted in the nails properly so that your pet does not hurt itself.

Plastic can be an alternative to wood. It can be both lightweight and termite resistant. Both wood and plastic have their pros and cons. It completely depends on the suitability of your pet in such a case.