A Comprehensive Guide to the Hair Transplant Process

A Comprehensive Guide to the Hair Transplant Process

If you are considering getting a hair transplant, you may be wondering just how the procedure works. While it can be a very complex process depending on the individual, a basic understanding of what is involved in a hair transplant can help ensure that you make an educated decision about whether or not it’s right for you. Read on to learn more about what goes into the hair transplant procedure and how it can help restore your confidence and your look.

What is Involved in a Hair Transplant?

What is Involved in a Hair Transplant

Before discussing exactly how a hair transplant works, let’s take a quick look at what is involved in the process. In short, a hair transplant involves taking healthy hairs from one part of the scalp and relocating them to areas where there is either thinning or baldness. This means that those areas can be restored to their former glory with denser hair growth. Generally speaking, two methods are used when performing a hair transplant – funicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) and follicular unit extraction (FUE).

Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS):

FUSS is typically used for larger areas of baldness, as it involves harvesting donor tissue from one section of the head before carefully removing individual follicles from them. These hairs are then transplanted onto balding sections using specially designed needles and blades.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

The FUE method requires the doctor to shave off small sections of skin from donor areas on the head before extracting individual follicles using microscopic punches or needles. The harvested hairs are then transplanted onto balding sections on the scalp using similar instruments as used in FUSS procedures. Both methods have been proven successful in restoring people’s natural looks while also providing long-lasting results if maintained properly.


After undergoing either FISS or FUE procedures, patients should anticipate some recovery time before they can return to their normal activities. To ensure an optimal outcome, it is important that all post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon are followed closely during healing process. Typically, this includes avoiding physical activities like sports and swimming for several weeks until completely healed and refraining from washing or scratching near donor sites for at least three days after treatment has been completed. Additionally, medications such as antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce any risk of infection during healing time following surgery.

Is there scarring after getting a hair transplant?

Generally speaking, FUE procedures require shaving off small portions of skin which means that there may be some scarring afterwards; however this will usually fade over time with proper care and maintenance after treatment has been completed . For FUSS procedures, scars tend to remain hidden due to being located under existing hair which makes them difficult to see once they have healed completely over time.

How long do results last?

If taken care of properly, results should last anywhere between 10-15 years before needing additional treatments depending on how well your overall health has been maintained since having undergone treatment. It is important that you understand that lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, and not exercising regularly can all significantly decrease longevity of your results so it’s best practice to maintain healthier habits if looking for optimal results long term.


No matter what kind of procedure you choose when considering getting a hair transplant, understanding exactly how these processes work will help ensure that you make an educated decision about whether or not it’s right for you. With proper care and maintenance after treatment has been completed, both FUSS and FUE procedures have been proven successful in restoring people’s natural looks while also providing long-lasting results. When weighing out all options, consult with professionals who specialize in this field so that together you can find out which solution fits best with your needs.